Our club participates in various projects throughout the year that involve community service and assisting children locally and worldwide. Additionally, we have speakers at our weekly meetings to explore topics of interest to the membership. We engage in several social activities to share experiences, talents, and our collective interests. All represent significant opportunities for service, friendship, and personal growth.
Below are the projects and activities in which we are currently involved:
SIGNATURE PROJECT –“CHRISTMAS IN THE CITY”is a time to love and support foster families with Christian Homes & Family Services. We purchase Christmas gifts for the foster children and host the foster families for a fun night at Safety City with treats, crafts, and more.
SERVING OUR SCHOOLS – Reading to students at TLCA Elementary
SUMMER FEEDING PROGRAM– Fighting hunger in our community! We serve lunches during school breaks in the weeks leading up to the new school year, as well as during Christmas and Spring Break. It’s a small way we can make a big difference.
BUG PROGRAM – Promoting academic excellence of students at TLCA Elementary
TEXAS RAMP PROJECT – Building wheelchair ramps for the elderly and disabled
WEST TEXAS FAIR & RODEO – Work at the ticket booth
MEALS ON WHEELS – Deliver meals to individuals who cannot get out on their own
Our Projects
Our club participates in various projects throughout the year that involve community service and assisting children locally and worldwide. Additionally, we have speakers at our weekly meetings to explore topics of interest to the membership. We engage in several social activities to share experiences, talents, and our collective interests. All represent significant opportunities for service, friendship, and personal growth.
Below are the projects and activities in which we are currently involved:
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End of Year Celebration
TxDOT, I-20 Expansion
Kiwanis Board Meeting
2024-2025 Officer Installation
Kiwanis Board Meeting
Kiwanis Board Meeting